Paper Creases or Curls

Paper Creases or Curls

Is paper loaded correctly?

If paper is not loaded below the load limit line or is loaded obliquely, it may crease.
Loading Paper

Are you using paper that has absorbed moisture?

Replace with appropriate paper.
Available Paper
Loading Paper

Are you using appropriate paper?

Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.
Available Paper
Loading Paper

Paper Curls

Are you using appropriate paper?

Check the supported paper types and replace with an appropriate type. Also, set the paper size and type correctly.
Reload the paper by changing the side to print on (front side/back side). In rare cases the symptom may become worse depending on the paper. If this occurs, change the side to print on back to the previous side.
Available Paper
Loading Paper
Specifying Paper Size and Type

Ink Blurs

Did you check the paper and print quality?

If a high print density is set, lower the density setting and try printing again.
Adjusting the Density and Ink Drying Time
Specifying Paper Size and Type

If printing photos, are you using photo paper?

Replace with appropriate paper.
Selecting the Type of Original for Copying
Specifying Paper Size and Type

Are you using paper that has absorbed moisture?

Replace with appropriate paper.
Loading Paper