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Adding a Cloud Service User

Several people can use one printer.
This section describes the user addition procedure and the user privileges.

Adding a user

  1. Login to Canon Cloud Printing Center, then select Manage users from

  2. Select Add user


    • When you select Add user, the service first checks whether the maximum number of users has been reached. If new users can be added, the user registration screen appears.
    • The maximum number of users that can be added for 1 printer is 20.
  3. Enter the E-mail address of the user to be added, and then select OK

    The URL for completing the registration is then sent to the entered E-mail address.


    • If the E-mail address you entered is already registered in this service, an e-mail will be sent to the entered E-mail address notifying that the address is registered. If you want to register a different E-mail address for this service, specify the E-mail address you want to use and start the process again.
  4. Access the URL reported in the e-mail

    The procedure that follows describes what to do if you receive a notification e-mail.
    If you are registering using an existing Canon ID, step 5 is skipped.

  5. Select the language you want to use in the Service registration screen, and then select OK

    Follow the instructions on the screen and perform authentication.

  6. Read the terms displayed in the Terms of use screen

    In the Terms of use and Privacy policy screens, read the statements, and then select Agree if you agree.

  7. Enter Nickname

    Enter any user name that you want to use.


    • The user name entry field has the following character restrictions:

      • The user name must be between 1 and 20 characters long, using single-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~). (Alphabets are case-sensitive)
  8. Specify the Time zone setting, and select Done

    Select your region on the list. If you cannot find your region on the list, select the one closest to your region.

    Apply daylight saving time
    This appears only when there is a daylight saving time in the Time zone that you selected.
    Select whether or not to apply the daylight saving time.

The main registration is complete.


  • When you use cloud service, a cookie for the selected user is added to the printer, and the login status of each user is recovered. For each printer, you can register cookies for up to 8 users.

Printer user privileges

If several users are using the cloud service for 1 printer, each user is categorized as the Administrator or a Standard user.


  • The user who is registered first becomes the Administrator. The administrator can change the privileges of users from the Manage users screen.

An Administrator can change printer information, add and delete apps, manage users, and perform various other operations.
A Standard user can check printer information and start apps.
For information about the functions that each user can use, refer to the "Canon Cloud Printing Center window".