[Main] Sheet
You can set basic print functions.
[Page Size]
Displays the page size set in the app or the page size set by clicking [Details].
Enables you to set the document size and enlargement or reduction.
Paper sizes displayed with the (
) icon can only be specified as the paper size in the print data. They are not supported as paper sizes to actually print on.
[Output Size]
Specifies the actual page size you want to print on. If you select a size that differs from [Page Size], the print data is enlarged or reduced to fit the set page size when printing.
Specifies the orientation of print data.
Specifies the number of copies to be printed.
[Paper Type]
Specifies the paper to print on by paper type.
[2-Sided Printing]
Prints on both sides of the paper. The default setting for printers that support 2-sided printing is [2-Sided Printing].
[Binding Location]
Specifies the binding location.
Enables you to set the width of the gutter. When a gutter is set, the print area narrows only by the amount of the gutter width. If you select [Image Adjustment to Fit Gutter] > [Reduce image], the print data is reduced so as to fit into the print area. If you select [Shift image], the print data is shifted and arranged as is. In this case, some of the data that is not within the print area may not be printed.
[Booklet Printing]
Prints with the pages of a document arranged so that it can be folded in half to create a booklet.
Enables you to configure detailed settings when performing booklet printing such as the opening direction and gutter width.
[Booklet Settings] Dialog Box
Specifies whether a document opens to the right or left when creating a booklet.
[Gutter Width]
Specifies the gutter width.
[Divide into sets for booklet layout]
Creates a booklet in multiple sets. Select whether to automatically or manually divide into sets in [Divide into Sets]. If dividing manually, specify how many pages are in each set in [Sheets per Set].
[Page Layout]
Prints with multiple pages arranged on one sheet.
[Color Mode]
Switches between printing in color or in black-and-white.
If you select [Color Mode] > [Color], by default, whether each page is color or grayscale will be determined and the color mode switched accordingly.
To print all pages in color, disable [Troubleshooting] > [Auto (color/B&W)] in the [Support/Device] sheet.
[Output Method]
Sets the method for outputting print data. You can also set a PIN in the print data.
Performs normal printing.
[Secure Print]
Attaches a PIN to print data and save it in the device. This function is useful when printing confidential documents etc.
The saved data can be printed by entering the PIN in the control panel of the device.
If you have enabled [PIN-protected printing] in the Windows print options and print using the driver, the print job will normally be output as a secure print.
[Custom Paper]
Enables you to register a desired paper size that you can use for printing.
Items with (
) attached are standard paper sizes and cannot be edited or deleted.
If you register and use a wide paper size, you may not be able to print it as per the settings.
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