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Cloud Windows

This section describes the Main screen of Cloud and the services available on the Main screen.


You can display the main screen of the Cloud by one of the following options.

  • From the printer screen, select -> Cloud applications.
  • From the printer screen, select Cloud or .

You can use the areas shown below to perform various functions, including adding, starting, and managing apps.
You can also print photos and documents by starting the appropriate app.


  • Depending on the apps you plan to use, you may need to have an account beforehand. If this is the case, get an account for each of those apps.
  • After selecting the app, some apps may not be fully displayed in the display area. If this is the case, scroll up, down, right, and left to change the display area.

    : Visible area

  • If an app is not yet released or does not support your model, language, or region, you will not be able to start that app.

(1) Applications

Immediately after the cloud's Main screen appears, a list of the registered apps appears.
To start an app, select the app that you want to use on the list.


  • Description of displayed icons
    : Cannot be used because it is not yet released or does not support your region, model, or language.
    : This is the app on which the schedule is set.

(2) Add/delete button

Use this button to add, delete, and sort apps.

Add apps

Select this to add your favorite apps.

Delete apps

Select this to delete registered apps.


Select this to sort the apps list.

(3) Manage button

Use this button to manage jobs, log out of an app, check the terms of use and privacy policy, and set the time zone.

Manage jobs

From the Status list window, you can check the status of a job.


  • The first time you open the Status list screen, the time zone setting screen appears.
    Set the time zone.


Select this to set the Time zone.
Select your region on the list. For some regions, you can set whether or not to apply the daylight saving time setting.


  • If you cannot find your region on the list, select the one closest to your region.

Service Information

Scan the QR code to see the terms of use and privacy policy.

Log out of all apps

You can log out at the same time from all apps that you are logged into.


  • Some apps may keep you logged in even after the app ends. Therefore if you want to log in again with a different account, select Log out of all apps to log out first.
  • Once you log out, you need to log in again. You may lose the settings with some apps.