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Connection via Advanced setup -WPA/WPA2-

  1. Enter the passphrase.

    Character entry is case-sensitive so be sure to confirm.

    If you don't know the passphrase for your access point, refer to the manual supplied with the access point or contact its manufacturer.

    (Appears in a new window)

    Passphrase entry screen
  2. Press the OK button.

    Passphrase entry screen
  3. Make sure that the passphrase is correct.

  4. Press the OK button.

    Passphrase confirmation screen
  5. When the screen below appears, press the OK button.

    When connection is complete, Wi-Fi appears at the bottom left of the screen.

    Completion screen (Connected to the access point.)
    HOME screen

    If another screen appears, refer to "Troubleshooting."

The network connection setup is now complete.