Configuring Settings When Scanning from the Control Panel

You can configure settings when scanning from the control panel of a device. By using the WG Scan Utility, you can configure more detailed scan settings.
In the main screen of the WG Scan Utility, select the device you are using from [Product Name] → click [Settings].
Click the icon button of an objective in the [] (Scanning from a device) sheet of the [Settings] dialog box.
Click one of [Color Scan]/[B&W Scan]/[Custom 1]/[Custom 2].
 [Settings] Dialog Box
If necessary, set the relevant items in [Scan Options]/[Save Settings]/[Application Settings] → click [OK].
The settings are registered
For details about the scanning procedure from the control panel, refer to the manual of the device.
To set the device to use beforehand: set [Settings] > [General Settings] > [Product Name].