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Setting Administrator Password on Operation Panel

The administrator password can be set or canceled.

Specifying the administrator password requires you to enter the password to use the items or change the settings below.

  • Web service setup
  • Security settings
  • LAN settings
  • Other printer settings
  • Language selection
  • Firmware update
  • Power control
  • Quiet setting
  • Ink maintenance (tank installed)
  • Auto maintenance settings
  • Job management
  • Administrator password settings
  • Reset settings

Follow the procedure below to specify the administrator password.


  • The administrator password of the printer is set from the time of purchase.

    To check the initial password, select Printer information > System information on the printer's operation panel, and select Show password on the displayed screen. The Default password value is displayed on the System information screen.

    If the administrator password has been changed, the Default password value is not displayed.

  1. Select Various settings on the HOME screen.

  2. Select Printer settings.

  3. Select Administrator password settings.

    If you have set an administrator password, enter the password.

  4. Select Change administrator password.

  5. Select the effective range of the administrator password.

    Remote UI and other tools
    To change the setting using the remote UI or a certain software, the administrator password needs to be entered.
    LCD, Remote UI, and other tools
    To change the setting using the operation panel of this printer, remote UI or a certain software, the administrator password needs to be entered.
  6. Enter new administrator password.


    • When changing the password, the character is limited as follows.

      • Single-byte alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following symbols are available.

        - ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ ; : , . / ` = + ' " ( ) { } [ ] < > |

      • Set the password according to the password policy.

  7. Select Apply.

  8. Enter the administrator password again.

  9. Select Apply.

    The administrator password is available.