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Free Layout Mode

Clicking Free Layout on the home screen opens the Free Layout mode.
In the Free Layout mode, lay out data to be printed as you like on roll paper, and then print it.


Menu Bar

This allows you to select menus required for operations.

Main Area

In this area, you can lay out images and do print settings.


  • Click in the main area to return to the home screen.

Edit Screen

Set the layout and roll paper width as you check a preview of the print results.
Clicking Next closes editing and moves you to the print settings screen.

Tool Bar

This allows you to select tool buttons required for major operations.


Reverses the last edit.
You can also execute Undo from the Edit menu.


Restores the last edit.
You can also execute Redo from the Edit menu.


Cuts the selected object.
You can also execute Cut from the Edit menu.


Copies the selected object.
You can also execute Copy from the Edit menu.


Pastes the cut or copied object.
You can also execute Paste from the Edit menu.


Deletes the selected object.
You can also execute Delete from the Edit menu.

Rotate Left 90 Degrees

Rotates the selected object 90 degrees to the left.
You can rotate it up to 270 degrees.

Rotate Right 90 Degrees

Rotates the selected object 90 degrees to the right.
You can rotate it up to 270 degrees.


Cuts the selected object within any range.
You cannot do other editing operations while cropping.

Erase Margin

Erases the margin of the selected object.


Enlarges or reduces the selected object to fit the width of the roll paper.

Auto Arrange Object

Lays out all the objects automatically.
You can change the spacing and order of the objects in the Options dialog.


Lays out the selected objects in the specified way.
You can select the way to lay out objects by clicking ▼.

  • Align Top
  • Center Vertically
  • Align Bottom
  • Align Left
  • Center Horizontally
  • Align Right

Shows gridlines in the preview.

Rotate View

Rotates the preview 90 degrees to the left. Click it again to go back.

(Enlarge/Reduce View)

Allows you to change the scaling ratio in the preview screen.

Preview Area

Shows a preview of the print results at the current settings.
In addition, you can change the layout of objects as you like by dragging them.

Edit Settings Area

Set the roll paper width and do settings for the page selected in the preview.

Roll Paper Width

Set the width of the roll paper.

Borderless Printing

Set whether to do borderless printing.
Setting this to On expands the print area to both edges and to the leading edge of the paper.

Page Border

Set the border of objects to print.
Select from None, Full Width (Solid), or Full Width (Dotted).

Print Settings Screen

Click Next in the edit screen, and then do the print settings.
After setting the various items, click Print to start printing.

Preview Area

Shows a preview of the print results.

Print Settings Area

Do the settings related to printing, such as the type of paper.

Media Type
Set the type of paper to print on.
Set either Color or Monochrome for the color to print.
Print Priority
Set the elements to specifically emphasize in the print results.
Print Quality
Select the print quality that suits your objectives.
Print in vivid colors
Set whether to print in vivid colors.
Paper Source
Set how the paper is fed.
Set the number of copies to print.
You can register the settings that are currently set in the edit screen and the print settings screen to Favorites by clicking Add. You can easily call up the settings that are registered in Favorites from the Favorites sheet on the home screen.

Status Bar

Displays information, such as the number of data that are selected and the paper size.


  • You can use the View menu to show or hide the tool and status bar.