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Saving or Loading Print Settings and Data

Reloading saved print settings and data being edited saves you the trouble of configuring settings each time you print, and lets you resume editing from where you left off, making your work more efficient.

Add to Favorites

You can register a combination of a printer to use, a layout menu, and settings in the layout menu, and save it to Favorites.

To open the Add to Favorites dialog box, click Add... in Favorites on the print settings screen opened from any of the layout menus.
Click OK to register the settings that are displayed to favorites.

figure:Add to Favorites dialog box


  • In the Add to Favorites dialog box, you can only edit the Name. If you want to change the registered settings, click Cancel to return to the layout menu. After you change the settings in the edit screen and the print settings screen, open the Add to Favorites dialog box again.

Edit Favorites

To open the Edit Favorites dialog box, click Edit Favorites... on the Favorites sheet on the Home screen.

figure:the list in Edit Favorites dialog box
Select the registered name from the list (A) and check the settings to change the Name and delete the favorites.

Save or Load Project

You can save the print settings or the data being edited as projects, and load them again to start working from where you left off.

Save Print Settings and Data

  1. Click Save Project (B)

    figure:Save Project on the editing screen

    The save dialog box will appear.

  2. Specify the file name and save location

Load Print Settings and Data

  1. Start Easy-Layout Editor

    The home screen will be displayed.

  2. Load the saved file

    Drag and drop your saved files (.elep) to Input Data List on the home screen, or load them by selecting Open Project in the File menu.