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Confirm Print Layout in Previews

If you select a file in the Registered file list, a preview of that file will be displayed in the preview area.

If Content is selected in Preview, the file name and updated date and time of that file are displayed in File information.

If Layout is selected in Preview, you can confirm how the file layout will be on the sheet as a preview, and information such as document size, output sheet size, and output resolution will be displayed in Print Information.

Files in HP-GL/2 format can be previewed only as Layout preview under the conditions listed below. The printing position on the sheet is displayed within the preview range, but the actual printing content is not displayed.

  • Printer driver version is 4.52 or later.

  • Printer connection is enabled when adding files.


  • If the document size is out of range of the size that can be configured in the custom size settings of the printer driver, that file or page cannot be previewed or printed. For more information, see Page Size in "Registered file List."


  • Only the following print settings are reflected in the Direct Print & Share layout preview: Enlarged/Reduced Printing, Orientation, Rotate Page 90 degrees (Conserve Paper), Paper Source, Print Centered, Rotate 180 degrees, and Borderless Printing. Other settings (such as 2 Pages/Sheet, Page Layout, Stamp, and No Spaces at Top or Bottom) are not reflected.