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Character Entry

On this printer, use the Numeric buttons (A) to enter characters.

figure: Character entry

Multiple characters are assigned to each key. Press a key repeatedly to enter a character.

For details on assigned characters, see "Key Assignments" below.

<Key Assignments>

Button Katakana Mode
Alphabet Mode
Numeric mode
1 アイウエオァィゥェォ 1
2 カキクケコ abcABC 2
3 サシスセソ defDEF 3
4 タチツテトッ ghiGHI 4
5 ナニヌネノ jklJKL 5
6 ハヒフヘホ mnoMNO 6
7 マミムメモ pqrsPQRS 7
8 ヤユヨャュョ tuvTUV 8
9 ラリルレロ wxyzWXYZ 9
0 ワヲン 0
# ゛ ゜ ‐ 、 。 「 」 ・ . @ - _ SP * # ! " , ; : ^ ` = / | ' ? $ % & + ( ) [ ] { } < >
Tone Press this button to switch between the katakana mode "カナ," alphabet mode "ABC," and numeric mode "123."

SP: Indicates single space.


  • To enter characters assigned to the same key successively (e.g., enter "N" and then "O"), press the Right button (B) to move the cursor by one character to the right first.
  • To insert a space, press the Tone button to switch to the alphabet mode or numeric mode. Then move the cursor to the target position using the Left or Right button (B), and then press the # button five times.
  • To insert characters, move the cursor to the character on the right of the target position using the Left or Right button (B), and then enter characters.
  • To delete a character, move the cursor to the target character using the Left or Right button (B), and then press the Back button (C).