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Advanced setup Connection

  1. Press the HOME button (A).

    HOME screen
  2. Use the UpDownLeftRight buttons (B) to select Network status (C).

    HOME screen: Select Network status
  3. Press the OK button.

  4. Select LAN settings and press the OK button.

    Basic network information screen: Select LAN settings
  5. Select Wireless LAN and press the OK button.

    LAN settings screen: Select Wireless LAN
  6. Select Wireless LAN setup and press the OK button.

    Wireless LAN screen
    Wireless LAN screen: Select Wireless LAN setup
  7. Select Other setup and press the OK button.

    Wireless LAN setup screen
    Wireless LAN setup screen: Select Other setup
  8. Select Advanced setup and press the OK button.

    Other setup screen: Select Advanced setup
  9. Select Directly enter the wireless router name and press the OK button.

    Wireless router selection screen
    Wireless router selection screen: Select Directly enter the wireless router name