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Text Entry

Text Entry
  1. Press Tone button to select the type of character you want to enter.

    Press Tone button to switch between lower case letters, upper case letters, and numbers.
    The selected mode is indicated by the character displayed at the upper right of the screen.

    Text entry screen
  2. Multiple characters are assigned to each numeric button. Press a button repeatedly to enter a character.


    • For details on assigned characters, see "Key Assignments" below.
  3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to enter additional characters.

  4. After entering all characters, press OK button.


  • To delete the last character, press Back button.
  • To cancel the text entry, press Stop button.
  • To enter characters assigned to the same key successively (e.g., enter "N" and then "O"), move the cursor by one character to the right first using Right button.
  • To insert a space, move the cursor to the target position using Left button or Right button, and then press # button five times.

Key Assignments

Button Lower Case Mode
Upper Case Mode
Numeric Mode
1 1
2 abc ABC 2
3 def DEF 3
4 ghi GHI 4
5 jkl JKL 5
6 mno MNO 6
7 pqrs PQRS 7
8 tuv TUV 8
9 wxyz WXYZ 9
0 0
# . @ - _ SP * # ! " , ; : ^ ` = / | ' ? $ % & + ( ) [ ] { } < > \ ~
Tone Each time you press this button, the entry mode changes between lower case mode "abc," upper case mode "ABC," and numeric mode "123."

SP: Indicates a single space.