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Printer Management Dialog

Add printers that appear in Printer List in the Main Screen or set the display names of the printers.

To display the Printer Management dialog, click Printer List Management... in the Main Screen.


  • If you are using an MB or iB series printer, printers cannot be added from Add Printer....

Printer Management Dialog

figure:Printer Management dialog
List of Displayed Printer

Displays a list of registered printers.


  • For messages displayed in Memo and what to do with them, see Troubleshooting.
Add Printer...
Click to display the Add Printer dialog. Search for printers and select the printer(s) you want to register.
Cancels the registration of the printer specified in List of Displayed Printer.
Advanced Settings...

Click to display the Advanced Printer Settings dialog for changing the printer's display name or checking the printer's serial number.

To change the printer's display name, enter the desired name in Printer Name, and then click OK.

figure:Advanced Printer Settings dialog

Add Printer Dialog

figure:Add Printer dialog
Search Method

Select a printer search method.

Select Auto, IPv4, IPv6, or USB.

IP Address
If IPv4 or IPv6 is selected for Search Method, enter the printer's IP address.
Click to search for printers.
List of Available Printer

Displays a list of found printers.

Select the checkbox(es) to select the printer(s).


  • If you select Auto and search, each of a printer's IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) may appear as a different printer in the search result. Select either one and add.
  • If printers connected over a network do not appear, make sure the computer being used for search and the printer are on the same subnet. If not on the same subnet, check the printer's IP address, and then specify IPv4 or IPv6 and search.
Stop Searching
Stops the printer search.
Click to add the printer(s) selected in List of Available Printer.