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Printing By Setting Print Purpose

The print settings that are generally used frequently are pre-registered as print purposes. By using a print purpose to print, you can print with settings that match the document.

The procedure for printing by using a print purpose is as follows:

  1. Open the printer driver setup window

  2. Select the media type

    Select the type of paper loaded in the printer from the Media Type list on the Main tab.

  3. Select print setting mode

    From the pull-down menu, select Easy Settings.

  4. Select print purpose

    For Print Target, select the setting that matches the document.

    Default Settings
    Select this when printing general documents such as business documents.
    Select this when printing posters.
    Poster (Fluorescent)
    Select this when you want to make the entire poster more vibrant.
    Poster (Fluorescent Spot Color)
    Select this when you want to specify areas of the poster to make more vibrant.
    Photo (Color)
    Select this when printing color illustrations or photos.


    • To check the settings of the items that are set by Print Target, click View Settings.
  5. Select the paper size

    From the Page Size list on the Page Setup tab, select the same size as that of the document that was created with the application software.
    The current settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the window.

  6. Select the paper source

    For Paper Source, select the setting that matches your purpose.


    • The paper feed method will differ depending on the lower level (roll paper 2) settings or roll unit option settings.
  7. Set the other items

    Set the other items as necessary.

  8. Complete the setup

    Click OK.
    When you print, the document is printed with settings to match the specified print purpose.