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Edit in PosterArtist and Print

Word processing and spreadsheet software documents and web browser screens, etc. can be edited a print from PosterArtist.

The following explains the procedure for editing original documents made in multiple application software in PosterArtist and printing in a poster layout.

  1. Open the printer driver setup window

  2. Select edit in PosterArtist

    Check Page Layout in the Layout tab and select Edit Using PosterArtist from the pull-down menu.

    Figure:Select Edit Using PosterArtist in Page Layout


    • Edit Using PosterArtist may not be available for use depending on the usage environment.
  3. Start up PosterArtist

    Click OK.
    When printing is executed, PosterArtist starts up and PageCapture window opens.

  4. Select page to get in PosterArtist

  5. Edit page in PosterArtist

    Image editing and sorting is implemented in PosterArtist.
    By repeating steps 1 through 4 without closing the PosterArtist window, documents made in multiple application software can be arranged on one page.
    After editing is complete, please print from PosterArtist menu.


    • For instructions on how to edit and rearrange images, refer to the PosterArtist manual.