Exporting Media Information
Select the paper you need from the media information registered in the base printer, export to a file, and save it.
You can add the saved media information on another printer of the same model.
For details on the procedure for adding a media information file, see "Importing Media Information."
(Export Media Information) in the Add/Save Media Information button group (or select Export Media Information from the Add/Save Media Information menu).
The Export Media Information dialog box appears.
Select the check box of the media information that you want to export, and then click the OK button.
You can select multiple media information.
The Save dialog appears.
Specify the folder where you want to save the media information file, and click the Save button.
You can change the file name by selecting and editing the file name.
For custom paper where a calibration target has been created, the calibration target information is also exported to the file.
Click the OK button.
The media information file (.am1x file) is saved.