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Print While Away from Home

Print from your computer even while away from home by changing the printer connection method.

Recommended Use

  • On a business trip, print quotes and contracts on the spot.
  • While away from home, print brochures and sales promotion materials on the spot.
  • In a meeting, print updated data on the spot.


  • To print from your smartphone or tablet, refer to Note.
  • When using a mobile router, refer to Note.

Setup Before Leaving Home

For details, refer to Preparation Before Leaving Home.

Using the Printer While Away from Home

Use the printer by connecting it directly to your computer.

figure: Concept of printer connection
  1. STEP

    Turn on the printer.

  2. STEP

    Turn on the computer.

    Check that the computer is connected to the printer.

  3. STEP


    For details, refer to Printing Procedure.

Using the Printer After Coming Home

Use by connecting your computer and the printer to a wireless router.

figure: Concept of printer connection
  1. STEP

    Turn on the computer.

  2. STEP

    Turn on the printer.

    Check that the computer is connected to your wireless router.

  3. STEP


    For details, refer to Printing Procedure.