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Cannot Access to the Card Slot Because of Some Security Settings on the Computer

  1. Check1 Make sure that Read/write attribute in Device user settings under Device settings is set to Writable from LAN PC.

    Device user settings

  2. Check2 Make sure that the memory card is inserted in the card slot.

  3. Check3 To share the printer's card slot with multiple computers over a network, set Set memory card sharing on Other settings in LAN settings under Device settings to Enable.

    LAN settings

  4. Check4 Disable the Windows Firewall function, or open port 137:139 to allow communication with the machine following the procedure below.

    For information on other security software, refer to its instruction manual or manufacturer.


    • If you disabled the firewall function, disconnect your network from the Internet. You can do this by configuring your access point or router not to connect to the Internet or WAN.

    • To disable the Windows Firewall:

      • If you are using Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows 7:

        1. Select Windows Firewall as shown below.

          • In Windows 8.1 or Windows 8, select Control Panel from the Settings charm on Desktop > System and Security > Windows Firewall.

          • In Windows 7, click Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall.

        2. Click Turn Windows Firewall on or off.

        3. Select Turn off Windows Firewall.

      • If you are using Windows Vista or Windows XP:

        1. Select items from the Start menu as shown below.

          • In Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel > Security > Windows Firewall > Change settings.

          • In Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > Security Center > Windows Firewall.

        2. Select Off and click OK.

    • To open port 137:139:

      • If you are using Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows 7:

        1. Select Windows Firewall as shown below.

          • In Windows 8.1 or Windows 8, select Control Panel from the Settings charm on Desktop > System and Security > Windows Firewall.

          • In Windows 7, click Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall.

        2. Click Advanced settings.

          If the User Account Control screen is displayed, click Yes.

        3. Select and right-click Inbound Rules, then select New Rule.

          If you set outbound rules, right-click Outbound Rules.

        4. Select Port, then click Next.

        5. Select TCP, then select Specific local ports: and input "137", then click Next.

          If you open UDP ports, select UDP.

          If you open other ports, input the other port's number in Specific local ports:.

        6. Select Allow the connection, then click Next.

        7. Choose the profile for which this rule applies, then click Next.

        8. Input any name and description, then click Finish.

        9. Repeat steps 3 to 8 to open the other ports (138TCP, 138UDP, 139TCP, and 139UDP).

        10. Confirm that the port names are added on the Inbound Rules screen, then close Windows Firewall.

      • If you are using Windows Vista or Windows XP:

        1. Select items from the Start menu as shown below.

          • In Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel > Security > Windows Firewall > Change settings.

          • In Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > Security Center > Windows Firewall.

        2. Click the Exceptions tab, and click Add port.

        3. On the Add a Port screen, input the following information, and click OK.

          Name: Input any name for the port.

          Port number: Input "137".

          Protocol: Select TCP.

        4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.

          On the Add a Port screen, input the same information as you did in step 3 except for selecting UDP in Protocol.

        5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to open the other ports (138TCP, 138UDP, 139TCP, and 139UDP).

        6. Confirm that the port names are added on the Exceptions sheet, and click OK.

  5. Check5 Change the workgroup name to "WORKGROUP" following the procedure below.


    • Changing the workgroup name may have an effect on the network, so you need to ask the administrator to change it.

    1. Display the System properties screen as shown below.

      • In Windows 8.1 or Windows 8, select the Explorer icon in Taskbar on Desktop, right-click Computer from the list on the left, select Properties, then click Change settings.

      • In Windows 7 or Windows Vista, right-click Computer, select Properties, then click Change settings.

      • In Windows XP, right-click My Computer, then select Properties.

    2. Click the Computer Name tab, then click Change.

    3. Change the workgroup name to "WORKGROUP", then click OK.

  6. Check6 Disconnect the network drive for the card slot and mount it again following the procedure below.

    1. Select Disconnect Network Drive as shown below.

      • In Windows 8.1 or Windows 8, select the Explorer icon in Taskbar on Desktop, right-click Computer from the list on the left, and select Disconnect Network Drive.

      • In Windows 7 or Windows Vista, right-click Computer, and select Disconnect Network Drive.

      • In Windows XP, right-click My Computer, and select Disconnect Network Drive.

    2. Select the network drive to disconnect, then click OK.

    3. Remount the card slot using IJ Network Tool.

      Using the Card Slot over a Network