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Reset setting

Reverts all settings you made to the printer back to the default. However, some data may not be changed, depending on the current usage state of your printer.

  • Web service setup

    Reverts the Web service settings back to the default.

  • LAN settings

    Reverts the LAN settings other than the administrator password specified by IJ Network Tool back to the default.

  • Setting data

    Reverts the settings such as the paper size or media type back to the default.

  • Device info sending

    Reverts only the device information sending settings.

  • All data

    Reverts all settings you made to the printer back to the default. The administrator password specified by IJ Network Tool reverts to the default setting.


  • You cannot change the following setting items back to the default:

    • The language displayed on the LCD

    • The current position of the print head