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Warning display

Displays HP-GL/2 warnings.

The display is switched when two GL/2 warnings below occur.

  • Warnings when the printer's parameter setting specification does not support the parameter settings of created HP-GL/2 data
  • HP-GL/2 warning commands when the printer does not support the created HP-GL/2 data

Display this item by selecting the following.

Printer settings > Print settings > HP-GL/2 print settings > Processing options


  • Warning is always displayed when one of the errors below occurs regardless of the setting.

    • When virtual GL/2 memory exceeds acceptable level
    • When GL/2 display list memory is insufficient
    • When the number of polygon vertexes which GL/2 data has exceeds acceptable level
  • Warning is always displayed on the status monitor or Remote UI regardless of the setting.
  • Enable

    Displays specific GL/2 warning on the touch screen.

  • Disable

    Does not display specific GL/2 warning on the touch screen.