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Detect image size and Print centered

Operation is as described below when both Detect image size and Print centered are specified.

  • When OFF or Command priority is selected for Detect image size:

    Print centered is performed in accordance with the command-specified image drawing range.

  • When Detected size is selected for Detect image size:

    Print centered is performed in accordance with the detected minimum image range.

Detect image size AND Print centered EXAMPLE

  • When OFF or Command priority is selected for Detect image size:

    1. Command-specified image drawing range

    Printed image

    1. Position of cut

    Prints the command-specified image drawing range in the horizontal center of the roll paper.

  • When Detected size is selected for Detect image size:

    1. Minimum image range detected

    Printed image

    1. Position of cut

    Prints the minimum image range in the horizontal center of the paper.