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Select palette

Selects a palette to use when printing HP-GL/2 data.

According to the setting of the selected palette, the line width, line color, and line attributes are specified.

Select this setting item from Device settings > Print settings > HP-GL/2 print settings > Line & pen manager > Pen setup.

  • Software (Initial setting)

    Performs printing with the setting of HP-GL/2 data.

  • Palette A

    Performs printing with the setting of Palette A.

  • Palette B

    Performs printing with the setting of Palette B.

  • Factory

    Performs printing with the predefined settings.


  • When you select a palette other than Software, the printer performs printing with the pen setting of the specified palette even if the image data has the pen setting.
  • Palette A and Palette B have the same settings as Factory in the initial state.