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Items that Can Be Set from Remote UI

Printer status
Ink remaining, printer status, error details, etc. are displayed.
You can also access the support page and use the provided services.
Perform printer maintenance such as cleaning.
Printer settings
Change printer settings such as power saving settings and print settings.
You can also change mail settings and set the printer to alert you when ink runs low, or an error occurs.
You can also restrict operation at the operation panel with Operation panel lock in Custom settings.
AirPrint settings
Make print settings for using AirPrint in macOS or iOS operating systems.
Job history
View or print out the job history, as well as delete jobs.
Security (administrator mode)
You can set a password, place operational restrictions on standard users, set up encrypted communications (TLS/SSL settings), and depending on the model, configure simple security settings and security policies, etc.
System info and LAN settings
Check system information and make LAN settings.
Firmware update (administrator mode)
Check the firmware version and perform updates, and make settings for DNS and proxy servers.
Language selection (administrator mode)
Change the display language.
Manual (Online)
Display the online manual.
The computer on which Remote UI is open must be connected to the internet.