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Changing Registered Information

To change information registered for recipient and group e-mail, follow the procedure below.

  1. Make sure printer is turned on.

  2. Select Scan on HOME screen.

    The screen for selecting to which you save the data is displayed.

    figure: LCD
  3. Select Attach to E-mail and press OK button.

  4. Select E-mail directly from device and press OK button.

  5. Select Edit e-mail address book and press OK button.

  6. Select Display e-mail address book and press OK button.

  7. Use UPDOWNLEFTRIGHT button or Numeric buttons to select recipient or group dial to change and press OK button.

  8. Select Edit and press OK button.

  9. Change registered information.

    • To change an individual recipient:

      When you want to change the recipient's name, move the cursor to the entry field of name and change the recipient's name. After pressing the OK button, the cursor moves to the entry field of e-mail addresses. To register the changed recipient's name, press the OK button again.

      When you want to change the e-mail address, move the cursor to the entry field of e-mail address and change the e-mail address. After pressing the OK button, the changed address is registered.

    • To change a group e-mail:

      When you want to change the group name, move the cursor to the entry field of group name and change the group name. After pressing the OK button, the cursor moves to the list of the members. To register the changed group name, press the OK button again.

      When you want to add the member to group or delete from group, move the cursor to the list of the members and add the member or delete. After pressing the OK button, the changed group is registered.