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Cannot Print a Fax/"Fax received. Saved in memory." Appears

  1. Check 1 Is a different size of paper from that specified by Page size in Fax paper settings loaded?

    If a different size of paper from that specified by Page size is loaded for printing faxes, the received faxes will not be printed and will be stored in the printer's memory (Memory Reception). Load the same size of paper as that specified by Page size, then select OK.

  2. Check 2 Is paper loaded?

    If paper is not loaded, received faxes will be stored in the printer's memory without being printed (Memory Reception). Select Fax, load paper, and then select OK.

  3. Check 3 Make sure there is enough ink left to print.

    If there is not enough ink left to print, received faxes will be stored in the printer's memory without being printed (Memory Reception). Printing starts automatically after refilling the ink.