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Search for a Recipient in an Address Book (Fax Driver)

You can search for recipients registered in the address book by name.

  1. Open the document you want to fax with an application (such as Notepad), and then click the Print command. (The command is Print... on the File menu.)

  2. In Select Printer or Name in the Print dialog box, select Canon XXX series FAX (where "XXX" is the model name).

  3. Click Print or OK.

    figure: Print dialog box

    * Print dialog box in Notepad

  4. Click Open Address Book... in Set Recipient in the Send Fax dialog box.

    figure: Send Fax dialog box
  5. Enter the name of the recipient you want to search for in Search by Recipient in the Select Recipient from Address Book dialog box.

    If the entered name is found, the recipient will be displayed in the contact list with its name selected.

    While the name is selected, click Set as Recipient to enter it as the recipient.

    figure: Select Recipient from Address Book dialog box


    • You cannot search by criteria other than name.