It Takes a Long Time for Printer to Warm Up/Printer Is Making an Operation Noise

Check1 If it takes a long time for printer to warm up after print job is sent, wait until printing starts.
To clean the clogged print head nozzles, the printer is set to perform the system cleaning automatically on a regular basis. While the function is performed, printing does not start. Wait until the system cleaning is finished.
Check2 If it takes a long time for printer to warm up after replacing ink tanks, wait until warm-up operation is finished.
To equalize the density of ink, the printer is set to automatic ink quality maintenance for stirring ink automatically on a regular basis. While the ink is stirred, printing does not start. Wait until the operation is finished.
Check3 When printer is making an operation noise, wait until operation noise stops.
If the printer is turned off for some time, it may make an operation noise to start printing. Wait until the printer stops making an operation noise.