General Notes (Easy-Layout Editor)
When using Easy-Layout Editor, the following restrictions apply. Please familiarize yourself with them before using it.
This guide primarily provides explanations using the screens that are displayed when you use the Windows 10 operating system (hereafter, Windows 10).
It is recommended to use the 64 bit OS.
Apply the latest Windows Update.
Loading data to the application software or printing from the application software may fail. Also, the images may be defective or grainy when they are printed. In such cases, try the following methods.
If you cannot resolve the situation, print directly from the printer driver, without using Easy-Layout Editor.-
Add expanded memory to your PC, or enlarge the virtual memory.
If you are using Adobe Illustrator, switch the on/off setting of the Bitmap print item in the print dialog box.
Change the print quality.
Open the Print Options dialog box from the print settings screen of the printer driver for Canon Easy-Layout Editor to change the settings for the Reduce resolution to prevent loss of print data check box.
Sometimes the print preview display may be different from the actual print position. If this occurs, make a slight adjustment in the position of the object.
The appearance of text and fine lines in the print preview may be different from what you see in the print result.
Sometimes a print job can be lost if Easy-Layout Editor is shut down during the print job.
When you install this software, the virtual printer Canon Easy-Layout Editor is installed. If you want to use this software, do not uninstall the virtual printer Canon Easy-Layout Editor.
Printing is not possible from shared printers or redirected printers.
The initial startup and printout may take some time, depending on the environment.
Operation may be abnormal if the number of paper sizes registered in the OS exceeds a certain number.
In Startup, if you disable Canon Easy-Layout Editor Service, it will not run correctly.