Preferences Dialog Box
Specify your preferences (settings related to displayed content and displayed items) for Accounting Manager.
This dialog box consists of the View, Unit, and Others sheets.
To display, select Preferences from the Tools menu.
View sheet

- Print Jobs Shown Per Page
Specify the number of display items per page for job costs displayed in the list.
- Tabulation Period
Set the units for the tabulation period.
- Tabulation Start Date
Specify the tabulation start date for Tabulation Period.
The items that can be specified correspond to the items set in Tabulation Period and change dynamically.
If you specified Annually, "1-12" (January to December) is listed.
- Category to Be Displayed
Specify the job log items to be displayed in job cost.
Selected items appear in the list on the main screen according to the list's sort order.
- Up button
Moves up the selected item one row.
- Down button
Moves down the selected item one row.
Unit sheet

- Date Display Format
Use this option to select the display format for dates.
"YYYY" indicates the year, "MM" the month and "DD" the day.
- Currency
Enter the currency unit.
Enter a text string up to 3 characters long for the currency unit.
- 1000 Separator
Use this option to select the symbol used as a separator in numbers.
- Decimal Symbol
Use this option to select the symbol used as a decimal point.
- Paper Height/Area
Select how to specify the paper dimensions.
Select Single Specification to specify the units for Width, Height, and Area.
Select In metric units to display units in mm for Width, m for Height, and square meter for Area.
Select In US customary units to display units in inch for Width, ft. for Height, and square feet for Area.
The unit for Height will appear as mm when you select In metric units and as inch when you select In US customary units in all dialog boxes other than the Unit Costs dialog box and Specified Unit Cost dialog box.
- Width
Use this to select the unit used for paper width.
Enabled when you select Single Specification in Paper Height/Area.
- Height
Use this to select the unit used for paper length.
Enabled when you select Single Specification in Paper Height/Area.
- Area
Use this to select the unit used for paper area.
Enabled when you select Single Specification in Paper Height/Area.
Others sheet

- Notification for Job Log Acquisition Error
Select whether a notification appears on the main screen when a job log acquisition error occurs.
Selected: Notify
Not selected: Do not notify
- Language Settings
Select the display language for Accounting Manager.
Changes to the display language are applied the next time Accounting Manager is started.
- Import button
Imports preferences.
Information that can be set in Preferences is imported.
- Export button
Exports preferences.
Information that can be set in Preferences is imported.