Check Operation Status Dialog Box
Select Check Operation Status from the Tools menu to display.
A list of errors that occurred when acquiring job logs will appear on the Job Log Acquisition Status sheet.
The operation status of scheduled job cost data exports and email transmissions are shown on the Scheduled Export of Cost Data sheet.
Job Log Acquisition Status Sheet

- Operation Status
The acquisition status in a list appear.
- Printer
The printer name appears.
- Time of Error
The time the error occurred appears according the display format setting.
If the same error occurred multiple times, displays the time the error last occurred.
- Details
A description of the error appears.
The numbers that appear at the end of Details are added for internal identification in the software.
- Confirm button
Errors currently shown do not appear in the future.
Scheduled Export of Cost Data Sheet

- Operation Status
Displays the status of scheduled exports in a list.
- Time
Displays the time that each scheduled export of cost information was performed and the time that the email was sent.
- Details
Displays the results of the scheduled exports and the email transmissions.
- Confirm button
The results currently being displayed will no longer appear on the list.