Unit Costs Dialog Box
Set the unit costs used to calculate job cost in the Unit Costs dialog box. Set the unit costs for ink, paper, and items other than ink and paper.
Select Unit Costs in Job Cost from the File menu to open the Unit Costs dialog box.
The Unit Costs dialog box consists of the following sheets.
Ink sheet

- Ink Color
Ink Color and an icon indicating the ink color appear.
The ink list that appears is acquired from the selected printer.
- Ink Tank Capacity
The ink tank capacity appears according to the units setting.
- Unit Costs
The unit costs for Ink Color and Ink Tank Capacity appear.
If the unit costs are not set, Not set appears.
To change the unit costs settings, edit the list directly.
- Apply to All Inks button
Applies the currently selected Unit Costs and Ink Tank Capacity in Ink Color to all ink colors displayed in Unit Cost List.
Disabled if one ink or less is displayed in Unit Cost List or no ink has been selected.
Paper sheet

- Media Type
The paper name appears.
The name that appeared in the printer driver is applied.
- Size
General Purpose, Regular Size Name, or Roll Paper Width Name appears.
- Width
The paper width appears according to the units setting.
You can edit the list directly if Size is General Purpose.
- Height
The paper length appears according to the units setting.
You can edit the list directly if Size is General Purpose or Roll Paper Width Name.
- Number of Sheets/Rolls
The number of sheets in a package appears when the price per paper package is set.
If you select Roll Paper, the number of rolls appears.
- Unit Costs
The price per paper package appears.
The unit cost settings you added are added to the Unit Cost List.
- Add button
Adds a new unit cost setting for paper.
The unit cost settings you added are added to Unit Cost List.
For details on Add Paper Unit Cost, see "Add Paper Unit Cost Dialog Box."
- Edit button
Enables editing of the unit cost settings for paper.
- Delete button
Deletes the selected paper unit costs.
Deleted paper unit costs are deleted from Unit Cost List.
Others sheet

- Item
Item names set for unit costs appear.
- Unit Costs
The unit costs for item names appear.
- Allocate
Yes or No appears for whether to include this unit cost setting when calculating job costs.
To change the settings, change them directly in the list.
- Add button
Adds a new other unit cost setting.
The unit cost settings you added are added to the Unit Cost List.
- Edit button
Enables editing of the settings for this unit cost.
- Delete button
Deletes the selected unit cost settings.
Deleted unit cost settings are deleted from Unit Cost List.
Common to All Sheets
- Import button
Imports unit cost settings.
- Export button
Exports unit cost settings.
- Copy Unit Cost button
Copies unit costs.
For details on Copy Unit Cost, see "Copy Unit Cost Dialog Box."
- Acquire Printer Information button
Acquires printer information.
- OK button
Saves changes to the unit cost settings and closes the Unit Costs dialog box.
- Cancel button
Discards changes and closes the Unit Costs dialog box.
Add Paper Unit Cost Dialog Box
Adds a new unit cost setting for paper.

- Media Type
Specify the Media Type.
A list of the media types supported by the target printer appears.
- Other Media
To set a unit cost for a paper not displayed in Media Type, select Other Media and enter the paper ID.
You can check the paper ID on the Unspecified Unit Cost screen or in Unit Cost List on the Paper tab of the Unit Costs screen.
"Unknown Paper [Paper ID]" appears for paper not appearing in Media Type, so enter this paper ID.
- Paper Size
Set the size type for the paper.
Select General Purpose, Roll Paper, or Cut Sheet for the size type.
- Width
Specify the paper width.
If Roll Paper or Cut Sheet is selected in Paper Size, it is entered automatically.
If you have specified a custom size roll width in the printer driver, select Paper Size > Roll Paper > User-defined, and then input the same value as has been set for Width in the printer driver.
- Height
Specify the paper length.
If Cut Sheet is selected in Paper Size, it is entered automatically.
- Number of Sheets/Rolls
Specify the count per paper package (number of sheets).
If Roll Paper is selected in Paper Size, specify the number of rolls.
- Unit Costs
Enter the price per paper package.
Copy Unit Cost Dialog Box
Specifies the printer and items, and copies the unit cost settings.

- Copy From
From the list of registered printers (same printers as displayed in the printer list on the main screen), select the printer to copy from.
- Copy To
Select the printer to copy to.
- Category
Select the items to be copied.
You can select Ink, Paper, and Others individually.
If you copy unit costs, all the unit cost settings on the printer copied to will be overwritten with the unit cost settings on the printer copied from.