Tabulating Costs
You can specify the tabulation criteria and display the cost tabulation results in the Cost Tabulation dialog box.
Click the Cost Tabulation button or select Cost Tabulation in Job Cost from the File menu to open the Cost Tabulation dialog box.
Setting Tabulation Criteria and Tabulating Cost
Specify tabulation criteria.
Specify the criteria for tabulation targets in Printer, Period, and Account ID/Owner.
Click the Tabulate button.
The tabulation results for the specified criteria appear at the bottom of the Cost Tabulation dialog box.
Export tabulation results to file.
Export the tabulation results to a file if necessary.
You can export the tabulation results to a CSV file by clicking the Export button.
If there is even one record for which a cost cannot be calculated, because the unit cost is not set, "Cannot calculate the values to be tabulated because a unit cost has not been set." appears.
In this case, set the unit cost, and then tabulate the cost again.
Configure unit costs, including the costs of ink and paper
You can check the items without unit costs by clicking Unspecified Unit Cost.
If an overflow of records for a tabulation target has occurred, "Cannot calculate the values to be tabulated because a unit cost has not been set." also appears.
If "Cannot calculate the values to be tabulated because a unit cost has not been set." appears because an overflow occurred in the records of the tabulation target, nothing appears in Unspecified Unit Cost List.